Holy Week at St. Fidelis


Holy Week at St. Fidelis was a wonderful time to share with the students.  I wasn’t able to upload any of the video I have due to the slowness of the internet at the archdiocesan office, but here is a selection of photos that will give you some hints about our celebrations.

Included here are some shots from our Palm Sunday procession, the Chrism Mass at the cathedral in Madang, Holy Thursday Mass, the student’s Good Friday Procession, a our Easter Vigil.

The Easter Vigil was really memorable.  The bonfire was spectacular, but you’ll have to see the video to appreciate it.  We had also been without electricity for two days by that evening, so imagine our small chapel, crammed with 200 people with lighted candles and no ventilation or ceiling fans.  It was well over 100 degF that evening!  But, there was something special about celebrating Mass via candlelight.

We had plans for a sunrise Mass on Easter morning along the seashore, but a heavy rainfall caused it to be moved inside.

Nonetheless, Holy Week was a prayerful and joyous time with the students and many of the local villagers.

2 thoughts on “Holy Week at St. Fidelis

  1. You’ve got some beautiful photos here, Steve! Wow. So glad to hear that your Triduum went well. It must have been extra-special to have experienced it the way you did.

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