Catholic Photo Challenge #6 – Stewardship

hands with tree

I look forward to Saturday morning most weeks because I’m lucky to be part of the team that records the Catholic Weekend podcast on SQPN.

During today’s recording (episode #240),  Fr. Cory Sticha and Fr. Kyle Schnippel discussed the spirituality involved in the mundane aspects of parish administration.  A stewardship that is necessary in doing the right things with the time, talent and treasure that is entrusted to the parish.

It occurred to me then, as it does now, that each of us, in our own personal lives and in our careers, is also entrusted with time, talent and treasure that needs to be faithfully stewarded as a part of how we live our faith.

Since one of the themes for the  Scripture readings this Sunday (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time) is God’s generosity towards us, it seems fitting, then to reflect on our responsibilities as stewards of those gifts placed in our care.

For this Catholic Photo Challenge, show us a photo or two of the things that you steward, be it a personal talent or treasure, or perhaps something you are responsible for as part of a job or other work that you do.


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