Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected


wall of cameras

I’m back with another entry in the Weekly Photo Challenge from dailypost.wordpress.com .  This week it’s all about the “unexpected” things that we encounter as we’re out and about in the world.

The photo above was taken in the small vestibule of Chuy’s Mexican Restaurant, a new place on Kansas City’s Country Club Plaza.  The small entry to the restaurant, a transition zone between the outer and inner doors of the restaurant, was decorated with hundreds of old cameras.  Mostly Kodak Instamatic cameras from the 70’s, it was completely unexpected, not to mention just a little bit spooky.

Stepping inside from the frigid air of a cold November morning, I’m suddenly faced by all these silent witnesses of times past.  I thought it a fitting entry for this week’s challenge.

Moreover, it gave me pause.  Like the abandoned toys from a “Toy Story” movie, these old gadgets could certainly tell stories of their former lives as recorders of events from decades ago.

Alas, there’s no way to recover the glory or the usefulness of their former time, relegated now to curious decorations, hardly noticed except by one caught in the lens of the unexpected.



4 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

  1. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected (4) | Through the Eye of Bastet

  2. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

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