Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

I’m a newbie to the Weekly Photo Challenge, thanks to my friend Maria who clued me into the idea.  You can see her posts here. This week’s challenge:

Sea. What kind of emotions does the sea or ocean make you feel? Do you remember the first time you went in the water? Had a wave crash on you? Felt the sand burn your feet? Do you feel more peaceful around water? Do you hate the beach? What’s the most interesting thing about the sea for you?

I took this theme as a challenge to go out and shoot some new shots that reflect “sea”.  Being far from the ocean here in Oklahoma, our “seas” are the wide open plains and grasslands.  I call this shot “Haybergs,” hopefully suggesting a little bit of the feeling of openness and solitude one feels when standing on a secluded beach.  

Yeah, that’s a bit of stretch for any real ocean/beach lovers who might be reading this.  Work with me folks!

As you may know, I just returned from eight months of living/teaching on the north coast of Papua New Guinea.  The ocean was literally less than 75 yards from my room at the school.  However, I have to confess that the ocean has never touched me the way it does others.  It’s too lonely for me, although there are times when a sense of solitude and oblivion can only be had when standing on a beach with the waves rolling in.

I much prefer the mountains which always seem full of life, full of potential, and the awesome touch of God.   I like being able to totally immerse myself in it.  Without always getting wet, that is! I do like taking photos of the ocean, though.  

Here’s a montage of some of my shots from Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.


5 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

  1. Actually, Steve, what captivated me most in the majority of these photos was not the water but the clouds/skies…. maybe its cuz you were so close to the equator, but some really beautiful images you’ve captured.

  2. These are gorgeous pictures, whether they be of the sea, ocean, or haybales. You have a great eye, Steve. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love the sea, I love the solitude, and when I lived in NJ, the ocean/beach was my thinking place, my refuge. But I only like it to visit. For living, I would prefer the mountains. I suspect that I would eventually tire of looking at the ocean day in and day out, but I never really tire of the mountains. Probably because, as you said, they are full of life and ever changing through the seasons.

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Sea | Joe's Musings

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